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Saturday, April 24, 2010
A Change In Congress
Mood:  a-ok
It is time for our Congress to put party affilation aside and start believing in bi-partisianship. A goal that I have (if elected) would be to work with both Democrats and Republicans and find solutions to our nations problems by passing legislation that can benefit all Americans. I would enter the Congress with an open mind because I truely believe that both parties (Dems & Repubs) want the best for our country. If we all can work together and take the best ideas from conservatives and liberals and meet in the center - we can have a more efficient house of representatives that represent all Americans.  We do have challenges ahead - a sluggish economy and a war that never ends but there is hope. Some say that "meeting in the center" is a form of giving up your beliefs, I say if it benefits our country and our people making concessions in this case would be patriotic. Take care - Talk to you later!

Posted by cody-for-congress at 11:04 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, June 9, 2010 7:52 PM EDT
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Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 12:49 AM EST

Name: "Nicole"

I am the proud wife of Kenneth Cody. He is a wonderful man who will change Congress as he has changed my life. He is a great husband and father and I know he will work hard for all the people in the 12th district. I am so proud of him for going after his dream. Please take the time to listen to my husband's platform. This wonderful man deserves your ear - and your vote!

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